
When the Ground Becomes Quicksand You Start Reaching For Anything You Can!

Posted by Bill Mobley on Dec 29 2011 at 02:58PM PST

The primary lesson in Basketball is similar to that in your own life…“Play Your Game”. Because when you try to force plays, shots, emotions, and risk everything to adjust, you become exposed. The game starts to slip away because your reactive and no longer proactive for you, your coach, and your team.

Beyond basketball, and as adults we continue this struggle in real life. Today, I personally face this …as the leadership from the former youth league our family played for and worked hard for “unconditionally” at every level continues to circulate propaganda after a year now about how; we either steal players, steal coaches, practice gyms and finally today have “hacked their website to cause harm”.

Again, for over a year now, I have ignored this rhetoric because I know kids and their parents cannot be stolen, they choose to play where they want, coaches cannot be stolen, they also choose to teach/coach where they want. My partners and I purchased the Expo to put in $25M renovations to make it better for every child in this county, so didn’t steal that either. I ignored all this rumor mill talk and Played My Game, with integrity (that’s how its spelled by BTW) nor did me, my family or coaches ever talk bad about that organization, because we still have near and dear friends in that organization.

Now today…an email circulated throughout Brevard County’s Basketball Community…with this statement

“I just uncovered some disturbing news that has been hacked by an organization that desire to cause harm to the Brevard Bulls Organization and its interity.” (followed by a descriptive about Brevard Elite)- Steve Hughes

Therefore, here’s where the quicksand comes in…..when it comes to hacking someone’s website that is both impossible when the Brevard Bulls Organization ( never owned the domain name. That was a domain I paid premium dollars for back in Aug 2010 when our family was still with the Bulls, was to be used on the Bulls website which I managed and paid for and Steve was too cheap to buy it from me (for what I paid for it) prior to when we split away from the organization months afterwards.

Our organization has been called out by name in print, our players, parents, and coaches have been insulted by these activities. Calls have instantly come into to me today to react in harsh manners, but that is not necessary.

Today we are seeing the short end grasp of the rope representing an endless string of character flaws and poor judgement. This is not good offense nor defense, this is what quicksand will do to desperate people, players, and yes even coaches. Forgive your brother, as God would. Play Your Game… all you players, families and friends of all Brevard Youth Sports Organizations…its for the kids, its not for the adults. Its hard enough being a child, teen, young person these days…the lesson here is be yourself, make the best decisions you can and Play Your Game!